Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Getting Started

In a world of uncertainty, there is one question that I find myself asking above all others. When should I start thinking about next years fantasy season? The answer varies. It might be be after three of your four teams crash out in the semifinals, after painstakingly guiding your teams to the playoffs. It might be halfway through the season when it becomes evident that your going this season. But it is definitely not in August, when a drawn out off-season has erased your memories of the previous season. And for everyone who hasn't started yet, the time is now.
With this blog, I'm going to preserve the knowledge of the current season, recording my thoughts to available not just for my others, but for myself as well. I'll be posting about fantasy football and other NFL related topics, making picks against the spread.
And next August, I'll have more to go on before next year's drafts.

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